Monday, January 2, 2012

Forgive Me?!

I know I have been M.I.A. I guess the holidays do that to us. In order to appease my husbands impatience, I have decided to not include all of those pictures while I make the food. It takes me three times as long to cook dinner when I do it that way and he wasn't too happy LOL. So I will include pics of the final product and the step by step recipes....just minus the photos....I am gonna post some stuff tonight hopefully!!! Cooking is keeping my mind off the fact that my husband and I both are attempting to quit smoking (cold-turkey mind you!!!!), so please be patient!


1 comment:

  1. FYI...Hubby and I were complete fail on our "Quit smoking" venture. I made it 6 days at least....


Garlic Parmesan Spaghetti with Turkey and Italian Sausage Meatballs

 L ately, I've been looking for some easy meals that my kids will eat...they are THAT picky. I'm not the mom who will cater to them;...